Saturday, May 27, 2006 @2:19 PM
my com's down and this coming week's probably the worst time for this to happen. using my mom's church com now.
this week went by realllly fast. and next week is probably gonna be hell.
yesterday was a pretty long day.
first of, prac in the morning. four hours. tiring and sweating, massaging gluten for an hour long. and i felt rather demoralised when my teacher looked at my kneaded dough and said, 'ruth, (then shakes head) your kneading is not good'. at that moment i wish i wasn't a fnn student then. BUT SHE WAS WRONG! haha mine turned out to be the better ones teehee.
after that gems, watched finish american beauty. had group discussion with liangjue, zo and his friend. and when this other group stood up to share, i think almost everyone was surprised cos their analysis was like, deep. zo passed the paper back to me and said, throw away. in a joking manner cos ours was like surface analysis.
then liangjue came over to watch forrest gump for gems. after tt we rushed to meet booboo, kenny hazel and sooyin at dover and headed to expo for food fair. wow i swear 1/3 of singapore's population was there. tasted some new products and stuff for our assignment and after tt we sat outside the foodcourt and crapped alot. even on our way back we crapped and crapped. ha i laughed a lot yday night.
i'm actually beginning to like my new class quite a bit.
next week. i really hope i can survive it.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, May 18, 2006 @5:30 PM
yesterday was my first time to kbox with 04. previously, i've always said no to kbox. haha i don't know what made me go actually.
lihong yensiang sooyin huibing ronghui linjun guoliang eugene and me.
it was really fun! we sang alot of songs and initally i didn't dare to sing. but i did after that. i think we all got really high at like the last part, doing fast and slow kallang waves(the slow motion ones were really funny), screaming 'tell me what makes a man' by westlife, everyone singing to avril lavigne's my happy ending.
lihong's la bamba song that got everyone cracking and east coast you bouncing right, west coast you shaking right haha
i'm quite sure i've not laughed so much in a day before.
we got reminded like 3 to 4 times tt our time was up but we didn't leave until the 4th time. haha we couldn't get enough of it.
after tt we went for dinner and it was left with 6 of us. and we talked till pretty late. tt was a good time too.


acting cute

2 lame things tt hpd so far this week
- junior chapel on sun. someone requested for Joy to the World in hope of being funny and we actually sang it. so yes, a christmas carol in May.
- yesterday during milk lesson. teacher gave us a true or false worksheet to work on. sooyin ronghui and i came up with this game where we had to guess whether the answers were true or false before checking the answer. and i was the one in charge of checking the answers. i was sitting between them and i got so stressed by the game i felt like vomitting :/ and ronghui was like, 'er ruth, i think you stop playing for a while, you really look like ure gonna vomit' hah
i realised smtg.
i think i look forward to having fun more than aiming for good grades/ that's an unfortunately drastic change
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 @11:20 AM
it was okay for me to cry about
this then
now, it's just
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, May 13, 2006 @11:53 AM
met up with a few sec 5s yday nite at essential brew. fun! and lots of laughter
someone told a sick joke yday and it's unfortunately stuck in my head. HAHA
vic asked each one of us to share about how our lives have changed since we left fairfield. talked about the reality of poly and i realised so much more after that sharing. too sensitive to go into detail here but i'm glad i got to hear other ppl's view on this.
qh's friend's friends were celebrating someone's birthday. so their group started singing happy birthday and soon the whole second level was singing along. that i call, priceless. if i was the birthday girl, i would most probably cry my eyes out.
bumped into felicia tan, after so long!

the super cute boy that i didn't get to take a good pic of.

♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, May 11, 2006 @1:56 PM
black eyed peas feat jack johnson > gone
today was kind of boring.
chem eng class. few of us wore slippers today. and my teacher went, "class, do you know that you can be fine $50 wearing slippers?" then she made the other two do tutorial qns to be presented to the class and before the thought 'wah,heng ar' could generate in my pea brain, she said, "ruth, don't think i don't know you're wearing slippers, do qn 2." bleah i like wearing slippers to sch leh. more comfy than shoes
ys and lh came up with another imaginary friend called banana lee ban ban. i laughed like mad when i heard abt it.
people change along with time. there's no doubt bout it.
some change for the better, some don't
i, very unfortunately fall under e latter.
how can we say, so and so have changed. when we ourselves have changed?
i guess realising that you've changed is a lot harder then realising it in someone else
just some random thoughts:
what causes itch?
why do some kids turn out to be bullies?
why do some farts smell and some don't? :D
long weekend YAY!

cny 06 at jeddy wong's place. i look super crabby here
*thanks, huibing
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, May 08, 2006 @5:46 PM
pussycat dolls > buttons
today was the day i realised most of the other people in my class and my buddy class have already started chionging their studies.
was so tired the whole day i really wanted to jus sleep thru lessons.
God works in funny ways. I was daydreaming during lesson so i guess HE wanted me to pay attention. so my bag dropped from the table and my hp flew out.bleah :/
i've been dropping my things alot these days. especially my mp3. argh
my classmates say i'm bad at planning outings and stuff. not the exact words but i guess it was heading there yeah? that was a real ouch. guess its time for me to step back and observe.
a lil smtg hpd today in class tt got me thinking: if your friend didn't turn up for lecture and the teacher asks whose not here, will you say your friend's name or will you jus keep quiet? you want to consider e friendship but you know very well what's e right thing to do. ah well
weihao made me laugh real hard yday during Lord's Supper. he was so happy that he go a big piece of the biscuit and he was showing it off to xinyi and me. everyone's face kinda changed when they tasted the biscuits. tasted like some fermented thing. weihao was like crap, should have taken a smaller piece. then he tried to play it safe with the juice so he tried to find one with the least amt and the juice turned out fine. so he was like crap again. his face expression was so funny! haha
i've been missing fairfield alot too/ getting occasional flashbacks and all.
*wipes away tear

my dreams,i left them with you.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, May 05, 2006 @5:21 PM
electrico> hello
it's only the third week of sch but i feel pretty drained already.
played bad on wed with 04 at clementi complex. fun (:
i've learnt my lesson:
i have blisters on both soles! bleah

in class

not sure why the photo came out so green
we look like fiona from shrek :s

playing zigity

girls in action

and this, taken off the yinC blog.

youth games
when you miss an activity or a gathering
will people wish you were there?
will people say, oh, how i wish _____(insert your name) was here
cos if they do, i suppose you can give yourself a pat on the back
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 @8:07 PM
don't think about the pain and it won't one can fight thisit comes and goesyou can wish for so much in lifebut this is all you'll get you remind me of the person i couldn't be.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, May 01, 2006 @10:16 AM
church was pretty :)-ish yesterday.
guess God has His ways of making me feel better cos i was feeling pretty crappy before that.
sunday sch-learnt abt music. haha bro bern reminded us to take care of our ears cos we can blast music into them now but suffer when we're 40. i think i needed that reminder :/
junior's chapel was good :D
full crowd of juniors and workers. suggested singing happy birthday for xinyi to qinlong. lawrence came up with the surprise. he was introducing the game they were gonna play next and he asked xinyi to blow a balloon. while she was doing so, the guitarists started playing the birthday song and everyone was singing. niceee
then the juniors played some balloon game and they all went crazy. the guys were screaming like girls lar.
andrew goh came up to me and asked, "jie jie ruth, is God Jesus? and if God created everything, who created God?"
first thing that came to my mind was, oh no. i don't have a proper answer for this
so i told him what i knew and got 3 other more senior ppl to answer him but he still asked who created God. and he said, i'm very confused in a non-joking manner and i got quite worried.
youth games at wcp. was still contemplating whether to go for fear of being invincible again. but well, i went and i don't regret it.
played soccer and ultimate frisbee. fun!
but i was panting half the time since i have not been exercising
our bus trip back was fun too. priscilla kelly xinyi friedemann peiyi amanda ruthsim sok carlos daniel evelyn and me. i guess it's good to hang out with e youths younger than me from time to time.
i've got quite some work to do. been slacking for too long.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;