Friday, June 30, 2006 @11:58 PM
kelly clarkson > where is your heartthis song's currently stuck in my head.
ah, first week didn't turn out very well.
slept for really short hours everyday.
had a super shitty test today, and it feels like crap when u've prepared so much for it (i know i did), but it still turned out like rubbish. everyone felt super lousy after the test.
probably the only good thing i can remember is yday at prac. haha fd cheb prac is probably the only time we can have so much fun doing silly things while waiting.
my lecturer's gonna be on news radio 93.8 tomorrow. cos of the mint bread invention thing
and mom came home from thailand sick. meh
ah well.

baolong and junjie. think they're pretty nice ppl cos
they still say hi in sch

goodbye hometeam ns

failed jump shot
it's when you tell yourself you can't, that you really can't.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 @8:02 PM
the veronicas > nobody wins
it's only the third day into the week but i've realised 3 scary truths about myself.
1) i may actually have quite a serious problem waking up by myself, i have to depend on my family members to do so. and wad hpd yday morning was scary and i don't wish for it to happen again. i wonder what will happen when i start working.

leaving notes on the main door
2) i'm turning quite deaf. ppl have to repeat themselves at least 3 to 4 times before i can understand what they are saying. i dont think the music to the ears is that loud leh.
3) i've become dumber and blond-er, self-explanatory.
bumped into jed yday(yes you, not the other one :p). he gave me quite a scare from behind and i was so afraid to turn ard cos i didn't know who it was! haha
today during milk class haha, quite a few of us started chanting "POSTPONE TEST! POSTPONE TEST!" ( i have a feeling i was the only female tt was doing so, oops) well, we got what we wanted(test postpone), but not exactly. nex wed's a school hol, cos it's graduation day. and my teacher had to put the test on tt day. well she already had this all planned before we started chanting. so i guess it's mixed feelings cos its a hol, but..we have a test. bleh
guoliang keeps using the word 'up'. like er you very up, the way you eat very up, the way you fold your jeans very up, to everybody. i have no idea what's 'up' with that.
nex week's gonna be crazy, there's smtg impt every day.
may be going kbox nex thurs with 24! yipee!
you know how easy it is to gossip.
but i think we hardly realise tt as easy as it is for us to talk about other ppl, ppl are talking about us too.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 @12:36 AM
death cab for cutie > the sound of settling
first day was well, pretty slack.
24 is quite crazy too lar, silly jokes here and there.
k smth haha happened today
jed made zo opened the classroom door when there was still another class inside. when zo realised, he said sh*t you lar! to jed very loudly. then after a while, the female lecturer, who is probably in her 50s, came out and had this confused look on her face, and she said..'sh*t me?'..and her whole class laughed. i was actually quite surprised she (jokingly) said that but it jus shows tt there are moderately cool lecturers ard too.
mom's going to thailand 2mrw with some of the full time staff. hope they have a safe flight.
i'm supposed to be happy for my mom going overseas(tho it isn't exactly vacation) but she's unfortunately the only person tt can wake me up. i'm a bit worried tt i might b late for sch for e nex few days. ah, dependence.
hello, cup noodles and laundry.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, June 22, 2006 @6:56 PM
the click five> good day
wow i've been out alot this week but i must say, i had FUN.
watched she's the man on mon. nice show, good storyline. i'm still puzzled as to why there were some parts where everyone was laughing so hard(including hazel and liangjue) and i didn't laugh. (did i really not get the joke? *blond alert >.<)
tue-wed. went to meet guoliang and the rest at ecp and they were like 2 hrs late lar. so meanwhile, four of us played zigity ha. then some of us cycled while some rollerbladed. by the time we finished dinner it was close to ten. so we decided to stay over. eugene had super embarrassing moment. he stank quite badly after ecp and everyone stayed away from him haha. his shirt material lar. back at chalet played card games and jeddy intro-ed this game called 'cash and caught'. very interesting game! requires strategy and all. we played tt for a while. we slept like less than an hr and we had to check out. i had a lot of fun in tt two days, despite what hpd before that. got to know their classmates, baolong and junjie who are pretty friendly ppl.
slept for a really short while and had to get up for ifpd project at kenny's place. hmmm our product didn't come out very successful tho. i think it was pretty cool tt four of us ate dinner with his parents at the coffee table while watching tv.
today. did meat project, its probably the first time i've had six other project group members. after tt we went to watch scary movie 4(yes, 2 movies in one week. ah, guilt), which was a super spontaneous idea. oh man, i laughed so hard, it's really super funny. but i guess its not tt worth watching at the cinema.
24 at bbq:

homework homework homework.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 @12:26 PM
i'm in a damn sucky mood now.
and i believe i have every right to feel this way,
so don't freaking judge me now, i'll appreciate that.i should learn from this,
to never plan stuff again
why do i even freaking bother?
i really wonder
plan already,
ppl say ok, on, go
then last min say oh i have smtg on, i jus remember
seriously i hate pang seh ers
and i thot tt everything was alright
then today. shit hpd again
and i have to keep msging everybody abt changes
my bill is seriously gonna be damn high this time
either my planning seriously suck
or ppl can be damn uncooperative
i'm really damn tired of planning.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Sunday, June 18, 2006 @10:54 PM
anna nalick > wreck of the day
sigh i've been eating so much this hols that i fear this bulge might explode one day.
so many things went on in church today :>
family camp item, church choir, bro ronnie tay's sharing, guys item and presentation of gifts to the dads. haha when qinglong(first time father-to-be) went up to the front(after much coaxing), everyone cheered for him. awww
wow, bro ronnie tay's sharing moved me to tears.
one year ago, he got into a bad accident and was in coma for 5 days. and when he woke up, doc said his chances of surviving was 50-50. church has been praying for him ever since and he's on the road to recovery(slowly but surely). God's miracle.
i was sitting beside ruth and pam and oh my, their freakiness were switched to full mode today man haha.
1 more week of hols. i have a lot of catching up of work to do.
a bit scary, yday had this sudden want to chiong all my hw. TOO BAD IT WAS SHORTLIVED.
still contemplating if i should go for their chalet. i'm more to the no cos theyre going cycling! and i worry that history will repeat itself. i don't think i can afford to get injured again. then again, if i don't go now, then its gonna take a longer time to rid my fear of getting on a bike again.

done by derrick
if not for today, will there be a tomorrow?
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, June 15, 2006 @11:55 PM
snow patrol > you're all i have
yesterday had bbq with 24. think it went pretty well.
monkey was fun, at first only a few of us played then majority of the class soon joined in.
we played running scissors paper stone and ms toh played too!
the highlight for me was when so many of us squeezed into the back of yiwen's dad's pickup. oh man, free aircon. we did kallang waves and sang songs heh
too bad my cam batt died real early.

the ppl tt are always ready to crack jokes

zoey and jeddy(ah, the background looks so fake)

argh my nose is peeling like crap.
other sentosa photos :>

youth camp:

our failed jump shot
i don't even know how to explain how i've been feeling lately.
i've had fun these past couple days, yet smth feels weird.
feels as though the light bulb inside me has fused.
and smth inside me died
think i've seen and heard too much recently.
and i think it kinda sucks when conversations are all about world cup and u have no clue what's going on.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 @11:08 AM
funeral for a friend > history
saying yesterday was fun would be an understatement. :)
sentosa is so different now. then again, the last time i was there was last june. err
initially i thot things were gonna go heywire for me cos i was supposed to meet the west ppl at 9(i even planned this time lar) and i woke up at 8.54. so i rushed like mad and my pits were raining cats and dogs. ok, you didnt need to know that :s
God answers prayers. it was raining a lot the past few days so i prayed(till the extent of begging) that it wouldn't rain on mon, and it didn't! very unfortunately, it was too hot that we couldn't play for a while(you could crack an egg and it would cook instantly) and we all got pretty burnt.
played captain's ball with gl's friends who were there too. that was fun.
ultimate frisbee was crazy.
i got pretty pissed off cos of some stuff which kinda spoilt my mood a bit. thank goodness it was ok after tt.
had sakae. 100 dollars over lar :/

after sakae, we didn't want to go home yet so we went to find things to do. we landed up at siloso and took photos at the siloso words thingy.
and the tram bus driver was like super high lar. he kept saying, OH MY DOG! dunno for what also.
we saw a bball court ahead and we played for a while. oh man, i laughed so hard there. so many silly acts.
on our way back. heard from my friends tt some racist argument broke out between and indian national and a s'porean chinese in her 50s. i knew there was a commotion going on but i didn't know wad it was abt, until they told me. racist lady, jus know tt your comment is gonna stay with that man forever.

li hong wearing eugene's jersey, which was really big on her

eugenia and me

i like this photo! i dont know why, but i like it


one of the thousand zi-lian photos taken
meeting shawn later to discuss bbq stuff. the bbq's like 2mrw and we're discussing today.
uh oh.
beck and mom are at church camp. it's amazing how becky came back real late on sat but was off to camp yday.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Sunday, June 11, 2006 @3:28 PM
wang li hong > forever love
beck is back! :)by the time we got home it was two plus in the morning. becky bought gifts for everyone and lots of niceee clothes.

and a mtv shirt! i screamed when i saw it.

i've had freaky things hpd since wed. i hope there won't be any today.
sigh i really hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.
tom, the name of my wound
it's very minor but i realised that the meat tt is usually under the nail is now visible.
see the red thing there, yupe that's e meat

i'm weird eh. i name my wounds and take photos of em
*psycho grin
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, June 09, 2006 @11:31 AM
Josh Groban > To Where You Are
youth camp was a lot better than i expected, minus the 2 not-so-good things tt hpd
the food was gr8! it wasn't even like camp food
like today morning, breakfast. saw different types of cereals and choco milk on the table and i was pretty surprised/shocked.
went on second day of camp, so i guess i missed quite a bit.
enjoyed the discussions, the fellowship, the laughter, the silly things we did, the silly things ppl thirty plus of age do.
the knock knock, who's there game was super funny!
bbq was fun. and oh how can i forget the bombing.
was dave's birthday yday and i thot tt we shld saboh him. but tim kept delaying it, (now i know why!) cos apparently, it nv really seemed like e right time. so we were standing in a circle playing number game, and when kelvin was making announcement(it was all planned!) , we all turned to look at him, and tim bombed david. but we all kana lar. in the bomb--mainly satay sauce, chilli sauce, ketupat. >.< and after tt tim still could bomb me with a normal bomb.
the kingdom ppl kept saying i have menopause. cos i'm high one mo', low the next. and i have this scratch on my thigh and they said i cut myself :/
the two not-so-good things tt hpd
1) jus a few hrs into camp, played soccer barefooted. and i think my big toe scratched again the concrete. so the toe nail chipped quite badly. realised i'm quite injury-proned bleah.

2) oh my gosh. this is going to stay with me for a while.
we were playing cards at night, and yes, we were rather noisy. all of a sudden, loud banging on the door. this guy tt stays there, said the other campers complained abt the noise. so we said ok. and when we closed the door, the other ruth said he looked like the man from the incredible tales episode the day b4( i really regret watching it, esp when it was filmed at the place 04 always go for chalet). and
immediately, he banged on the door again. and i started freaking out. told us to off the lights and go to slp. so after we switched off the lights, dave and i moved the curtain to see if he was still outside and when we looked, he was standing there staring at us. and i semi-screamed. and
immediately he started KICKING the door(i honestly don't know why he had to kick the door lar) this is the part my heart was so closed to popping out, i was really freaked out and i'm sure everyone else was. so we had no choice to open and he said, who is in charge among you all. and no one among us was in charged. he told us to report to him the next morning(which we didn't). i was so scared i almost cried. nv in my life have i had to deal with smth like this. we all couldnt slp lar
someone went to mess up my juke blog. i was listening to it jus now, and there were songs i don't even know.
next week, sentosa with 04, 24 bbq :D
i can't wait for sentosa! haven't been there for a yr now.
hopefully the toe heals by then. (got to think of a name for the wound! HA)
oh yeah, hi FELICIA LUM!
yinc logo on camp teeSBBC Youth Camp 2006Arise and Build
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, June 05, 2006 @4:28 PM
Concave Scream > Driven
is today not my day?what's that voice in my head?just came back from handing in formal report. I'M SO GLAD IT'S OVER.
friday was a really long day. the night before i had only three hrs of slp, rushing gems report. had prac, then gems. gems, learnt pretty cool stuff like different camera shots, over shoulder shots, wide and long shots.
after pbl, booboo, liangjue, hazel, soo yin and me rushed to tiong to catch over the hedge. IT'S A MUST WATCH! the best cartoon i've watched in a while. it would have been a lot better if i wasn't so tired.
then we headed to town to meet the rest. ah 04. they were late! so we had dinner at 9 plus. we had a hard time looking for the crystal jade at taka and when we reached we had to wait for seats.
so while waiting..

i love this photo! (: my current wallpaper


sara vs yew chun for freaky face..*drum roll...SARA WINS!

after that we did jump shots again. at first it was pretty unsuccessful. but sara yew chun and i did it! ah the jump shots are so unglam.

we went to use the 'runway' and we got chased away/our bad
cool stuff. the lead guy from superband's shi nuo bi( or wdv their name is) studies at sp.
hah the entire of last week, sooyin, kenny and i kept singing national day songs and nursery rhymes. our favourite..
'because in Singapore, Singaporeour hearts are big and wide you'll findbecause in Singapore, Singaporeyou'll find happiness for everyone'haha the other day, before prac we were singing and snapping our fingers to this song. zo and shawn joined in! zo went to take the burette and used it like a saxaphone! doing the whole kenny g thing. suddenly soo yin stopped singing and nudged me, i looked up and realised ms toh was staring at us. and we both screamed. ha she scares me sometimes; she smiles while criticising you. besides that she's a really nice person.
so this week's e-learning week. in all honesty, i've already gotten into holiday mood. ah well i will have to try to finish most of my e-learning stuff by thurs cos going for youth camp then.
no one forced me into going, yet i have my doubts abt being there. it's pretty ironic, i feel the most invincible in church, the place i've been to since i was a baby. i dun really fit anywhere in church. ah weeellll
the last time i counted becky-coming-home days, it was like 20 over days. now it's like...
5 more days!BECKY! we are already waiting with wide open arms. no butterflies, yes?
don't you think we all wish we knew better?
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;