Wednesday, August 30, 2006 @11:01 PM
soler - zhi juetoday was nice!
went back to fairfield to see e chers
we were early, so the 4 of us (cheng, vic, shaun and me) just sat outside the staff room
chi seng was there too.
soon, saw the teachers, talked to some of them
mr g and ms thio sat down and talked with us a bit
suddenly, out of nowhere, we were surrounded by thousands and thousands of fairsians
eager to pass their presents to their chers
i swear a stampede could have taken place
mr g popular sia, got so many gifts
heard he got like most caring teacher award
haha we were teasing him abt that

i must say, it was nice to be back there, tho it definitely feels different now.
headed to marina square after that. walked around a bit, took photos

think? hmm

i like the light thing behind us
qi came and after lunch, qi cheng and me went kbox. KBOX! oh man, have been waiting to go for some time now. fun tho it was just 3 of us, and u get to sing lots more songs than when u do with a big grp. yay! i got to sing e songs i love! haha hope they did too. too bad it was only 3 hrs long

and we took a lot of zi-pai shots ahaha. i hardly take such photos
just a few

oh my check out my eyes,
i didn't think
they looked that scary till now.
so yeah, er, don't mess with me :/

kq was with us for a short while, before we headed home
sigh, i know i can be doing so much more with my hols, its sad cos even i can feel my time wasting away like that. i'm not talking about today, having days like this are a blessing. cos when i dont have plans, i'm just at home being a couch potato.
every one is entitled to their opinions, its just sad when yours deviates from everyone else's.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, August 28, 2006 @2:48 AM
lene marlin > sorryoh my i've been spending so much time on getting the blog up,
then again i have a lot of time at hand
i like the blog now :)
today was cool. got to take care of the church kids again, guide them in their craft work
and today was a bit different cos my mom went down early so i had to take care of them by myself.
so worried that ten over kids would climb over my head (literally)
but they didn't lar
they were'nt angels, but they were still in control
i won't say i'm great in taking care of them
but i really enjoy doing so
and i always take something with me from every session
sadly, i think today was the last time i got to do so
sigh i'm still coughing.
ha fri and sat i kept zao-sia-ing man.
wednesday! going back to fmss after such a looonggg time
looking forward to that quite a bit
friday! smell of rain screening (hopefully)
saturday! sentosa with 04
praying for you two
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Sunday, August 27, 2006 @3:14 AM
ah new blogskin.
still trying to figure out some things like how to put comments under each post and for the font not to be italic. *screams I NEED HELP
till now, i still can't believe that becky and i watched 5 hrs, i repeat 5 HOURS non stop of making the band 3. they were having a super marathon lar, from when they first narrowed down from thousands to 38 and all the way to the actual 5. oh man, super unhealthy.
bali thai dinner with family, beck's birthday celebration.
still feeling very weird
and i still can't figure it out
am i missing something?
cos it sure feels that way.
and i need to learn to stop suggesting,
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, August 25, 2006 @11:34 PM
today is the first time i bought 6 birthday presents in one day.
haha but well didnt pay for all of them lar
met sara eugene guoliang and jed at town
in search of hazel huibing yewchun and linjun's presents
and i must say..the gifts loook good!
hope they like it tho
yewchun's rip curl shirt tt we bought is way cool man,
has the words, THE BOMB at the back
bought beck and jamie's present too.
wow we walked for close to eight hrs man
our feet hurt like crap
gl and jed left early
after tt the 3 of us walked abit
then had dinner
at the new place that took over marche
it seems exactly like marche
i had fun today!
yday night all e way till today
've been feeling pretty down
by a combination of a lot of things
i'm supposed to be happy
since exams are over
i feel like i've been numbed with disappointment quite too much
from myself, from the ppl around me
i'm pretty pissed with myself too cos i let myself down so easily
and i was so upset yday with
____ and _____ for saying that they knew my planning was going to fail
even before it took place,
saying it while laughing
i was so angry cos it was the exact same two ppl that said that, that were the ones that changed their minds whenever they felt like it, yet pushing all the blame on me? how convenient
i'm not someone that just bears accusations like that
i'll know when i screw up
and i wont deny it when i do
but this time round, i believe very clearly i did what i could
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, August 24, 2006 @9:35 PM
i've been waiting to say this...EXAMS ARE OVER!after todays paper went to eat at swensens ooo good meal then i really wanted to go kbox but well a lot of ppl not enough money so they played pool/ liangjue hazel and i went to watch the break up, ah it was below my expectations. not exactly a great movie to watch when ure in a good mood. ok maybe i shld have known tt since the title is break up haha
bumped into afnan and the first thing he said to me was, ruth, you've put on weight. not hello, not how are you, but that. ah well, i HAVE put on aloooottttt of weight so yeah. too bad he doesn't have e mohawk anymore, didnt get to see it then,
ah stupid stupid sore throat, my voice is like crap now.
so the mom seriously wants me to get a job. i want to lar, i jus dont know where to start looking.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @2:21 PM
one more! just one more!
yay :)
qaas was pretty alright. first exam which was 3hrs long.
oh yeah, i realised smtg yday night. exam period brings out the zombies in us. huh? wad the watermelon is ruth saying. well i realised yesterday i was doing past yr papers and all, it was like paper after paper revise revise revise its like after a while i didnt even know what i was doing. ok, maybe zombie is a wrong word. but like a bit on a spell leh.
and also, i realised how difficult it is to plan outings for 24 cos its like..i dont even know how to explain it. not trying to compare or what, but times with 04 was always, or most of the time spontaneous. someone mentions watch movie and the next thing you know, we've bought tickets.
was kinda agreed that thurs after last paper 24 we'll go out and like celebrate, and now its left hanging to not sure and stuff. zzz
ok , this is a super naggy and complain post.
oh mirror in the sky,what is love?can the child within my heart rise abovecan i sail through the changing ocean tidecan i handle the seasons of my life?well i've been afraid of changingcos i built my life around youbut time makes bolderchildren get olderi'm getting older, toodixie chicks - landslide
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, August 19, 2006 @7:57 AM
lost prophets > rooftopswoke up at 6 plus today and its a saturday! haha well i slept pretty early yday.
2 papers done. 2 more to go.
fdcheb's going to be crazy, remembering the names of e food dyes(mind you, the names are reallllllllly long) and everything.
maths was bad. chem eng was slightly better than maths, thankfully. worried for maths, tho.
one more week, jus need to keep telling myself that.
real weird, i can only load photos in small sizes.
overdue from fireworks

birthday boys

jed's head on huibing's body

kenny with his present

my miming partner :)

look at the freakos behind sigh

24 and 06 unite
study study study
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, August 16, 2006 @11:06 PM

on a lighter note, i really (multiply by a million gazillions) want to get one of this phones. i knoe theyre not e latest models but oh my so nice. esp the middle one :) but of course, its ex lar.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, August 14, 2006 @8:45 PM
jojo > too little too latemy goodness, mugging period is the most unhealthy time ever.
eat sleep study eat sleep study and e occasional tv
you should see my tummy now,
its jiggggggggglllllllllyyyyyyy
i've been pretty pessimistic about doing well for this exams, and its obviously not helping.
pls pray for my mom,
she went for a scan today
and e right side of her voice box's not functioning well
she hasnt regained her voice since like 3wks ago
we all thought it was e normal sore throat
and e doc says if they dont find a cure for this
it may be permanent
i think my mom's trying to b strong
so we wont be affected
but its hard not to worry
everything hpds for a reason
sometimes things like this hpd to us and we question God why
i'm not saying my mom is doing so
tho me of little faith has had tt thought enter my mind at least once
we talk everyday w/o any effort at all
i cant even imagine how frustrating it is for her
really hoping for e best for exams
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, August 11, 2006 @4:47 PM
pan wei bo - bu de bu aihad gems test jus now, hopefully it'll be alright.
tues was fun!
it was kind of sucky at first cos my mood got spoilt even before i could reach marina. i have eugene, lihong and sara to thank for cheering me up.
waited so long for e bus to e steamboat place but decided not to in e end, so went to billy bombers. laughed alot over there
then when to see fireworks. eugene, jed, sara and i got separated from the grp. but apparently we had a better view haha. oh my there was reallly A LOT of people, in fact alot is an understatement, or underword aiyah. so crowded we had to hold on to each others bags for fear of splitting up. but when i was watching the fireworks, squeezing thru all those ppl and bearing the smell of smoke ( i couldn't imagine how ppl could b so inconsiderate, to smoke when there's so many ppl around) was all worth it.
apple and shawn came, then gl's classmates too.
while singing happy birthday to eugene and kenny with the cake and everything,
jeddy sprayed eugene with whipped cream and haha they started running ard e suntec fountain like pri sch kids haah
i cant seem to load e photos dang
wed's my first paper. really hope i mug hard man
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, August 08, 2006 @8:46 AM
our last few days of slacking before serious chionging
went to watch click with some 24 ppl, everyone should catch this movie. i think i would have a better impression of e movie if not for being super urgent to go to e toilet >.< honestly i thot my bladder was going to burst. eeew but yeah. sooyin and i were controlling all e way man.

failed jump shot hai
went to newton for dinner, check out who was sitting behind us! oh my *startstruck

haha i dont know his name, but he's the channel 8 actor who acted as weixiang in e recent 9pm show woot! sigh we were so obvious about it lar

after that kenny and i went to meet guoliang, eugene, sara and yensiang at ps to celebrate e last few hrs of eugene's bdae with him. young yap was there too.
we jus sat at the steps outside ps and talked about everything and serious stuff too, about after graduation and stuff.
we waited at je platform with kenny until it turned 12, then we sang happy birthday for him there. lucky there wasnt too many ppl around. but tt was nice.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, August 07, 2006 @1:19 AM
we think we know who we are,we have no ideawe think we know what's best for ourselveswe have no cluewe think we can always justify our actionswe don't know a thing
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, August 05, 2006 @11:07 AM
dixie chicks > landslideeverybody's saying how nice 'click' is! i want to watch! hope i'll get to
i'm finally feeling the very much necessary oh-the-exams-are-here feeling, but sitting down and getting a lot of revision done, is another thing.
i'm weird lar, i tell myself i can't study at home where everyone is ard, watching tv and stuff. so i go to sch, isolate myself at some corner at e library, where there's really noo one. and then i after a few hrs, i start to feel lonely. haha ah these things are not impt
i know somewhere deep down inside me, i want to do well (trust me its not as naturally present for me than it is for alot of ppl), but discipline is still quite a problem.
still have my last gems test this coming fri, analysing In the Mood for Love, by Wong Kar Wai.
featuring Maggie Cheung and Tony Leung. this whole analysising thing is no joke, it's honestly the toughest thing i've had to ever do. and i suck at it. the thing abt this gems is its interesting and i do watch a movie differently now, paying attention to alot more things, but doing well, or even barely making it is a challenge.
i'm a hypocrite aei? ah crap
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, August 03, 2006 @2:47 PM
today's official last day of sch, tho we have to go back nex week too.
celebrated the august birthdays jus now, 6 to be exact.
haaha lotsa fun. played a bit of zhou ji mi ma also.

happy birthday!

ms toh treated us all to mcflurry!

eee zo dig nose..

i'm like so out of e group huh.

dad bought us a laptop yay! haha an acer aspire 5600.
watched lakehouse on mon with guoliang, sara, eugene, liangjue and hazel. tho it was just 6 of us, i had fun. maybe sometimes, or most of e time, i find it more fun in a small group. lakehouse was well.. pretty unrealistic, but it was heart wrenching at some parts. i like e cinemas at marina square :)
can't believe we're planning smth on such a large scale. last yr 04, this yr 24 and 06. its close to 40 over ppl going to see fireworks. and they dont knoe each other. want to combine to celebrate eugene and kenny's bdae and also for everyone to get to knoe more ppl. but its going to be a-k-w-a-r-d
sometimes i think i'm damn selfish already, but there will always be ppl to surprise you.
oh yeah, i realise nobody comments anymore.
i am a lonely blogger.
anyone wants to make friends
feel free to text 'i am lonely too' to
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;