Saturday, September 30, 2006 @2:10 PM
decided to blog abt happier things
cos remorse is not an answer
prayer and trust is
this week went by pretty fast
i'm thankful for 24, cos honestly, school wouldnt be e way it is w/o them.
of course 04 is still impt! always!
my my, so many practicals >.<
and food micro prac calls for worry. sensor bunsen burner? argh
anyway, tues was fun!
haha well ys eugene gl and i were waiting for sara and lh in e room
and we got super high using love calculator ahahah
used to play tt in like wad, lower sec? haha
gl's brilliant idea
then when we were abt to leave, spotted lh's hp on e table and gl and i decided to keep it . so we took bus to holland (haha eugene gl and i even used her hp cam to take photos of ourselves), walked, ate and she didnt realise her phone was missing until much later. then when she did, she was pretty worried la, as anybody would be, and then we returned e hp to her, luckily she wasnt pissed ha.
had dinner at essential brews. good time with them :)

yesterday night was so silly la.
didnt get a chance to help my dad cut hair so his hair was pretty long
and becky managed to tie a ponytail with it
we couldnt stop laughing
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 @7:45 PM
i've basically been slacking the whole day/ slept for 3hrs just now
oh my i dont exactly like my timetable. wed and thurs have prac, then immediately after that there's a lecture. zzz
it's only the third day into sch, yet i've been feeling so weird every single day. i cant explain it myself.
there's so much going on.
uncle clement > lung cancer
auntie lynn > blood disorder that's uncurable
my mom > today just found out that her voice loss may be due to tb or cancer
so much going on, how come i dont feel the remorse i should?i'm praying, yet i dont seem to be sad.
how come i'm still joking ard? how come i still can go out for e past 2 days?
and not know abt the tb or cancer till today.
i cried jus now, i dont know out of guilt or true remorse.
i dont wish for anything to hpd to any of them
i even had the intention to blog abt yday, my so called late birthday celebration with 04 ppl.
what's wrong with you, ruth yap eng luan?
maybe i will only learn the hard way.
God have mercy
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, September 25, 2006 @1:04 AM
it is currently a difficult time for
two of my close fairfield friends (as far as i know)
some church ppl
and even my own relatives
i dont know if i'm allowed to share this, but here goes. my uncle clement(mom's sis's husband)has terminal stage of lung cancer. doc even said, no hope.
and e worse part of this, is keeping it from jason, my cousin cos he's having prelims, than o's. and they dont want to affect him. in my point of view(from a child's view), i think he deserves to know. cos if anything unfortunate is to hpd (which i obviously do not wish to hpd), he would be very upset that he did not get to say what he wanted to to his dad or be with him at a time like this. yet from an adult's/parent's point of view, the child's welfare is more impt.
I really want to be committed in praying to Him, and more importantly, trusting that He will see them through this. I dont want to just pray about this today and forget it tomorrow or when i get caught up with my own stuff. everyone needs prayer. and i know how powerful it is.
trust and obey,
trust and obey.
'Be strong, and take courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed, for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.' Joshua 1: 9 KJV
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, September 22, 2006 @3:51 PM
chalet was great! tho it wasnt SUPER fun, i'm gonna remember it for a while :)
waiting for gl's photos to blog abt it.
i can't believe school's starting already. in like 2, 3 days
so fast, one month just went by like that.
just like the 20th. poof, gone.
so silly lar, i actually forgot that mom's in kl until she called me on wed at chalet and she passed e phone to aunt susan and uncle clement. then i was like, oh yeah ar. hah

this photo cracks me up
same teeth!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, September 21, 2006 @12:15 AM
chalet was fun! tho it definitely felt like smth was missing this time round.
i guess it was cos some of them had to leave for genting and also, gems registration
let's see.
monday 18th
checked in pretty late, oooh i liked e bungalow we lived in. super spacious! guys got ready for bbq while girls packed water bombs. had bbq, yummy garlic bread!

halway thru, guoliang eugene (the traitor) and jed locked us out and threw water bombs from inside, we had water bombs outside la, but they packed some more. yensiang fell down while playing! but she was a brave girl, yes?

went to e pool, didnt go in initially cos i was worried that my hair would corrode. but after that, saw guoliang and eugene come out from behind e slide with a cake and they sang happy birthday. oh my wasnt expecting that, was very touched. yewchun was e first to smear me with cream, then i smeared on yensiang lihong and sooyin and e craziness begun. haha i got tired of running away so i just stood there and let sooyin and guoliang spread cream on me, cream facial mask not bad ah.
went back bathed, then played a bit of guesstures. but well, we girls were very shy to act dont know why also. intro-ed knock knock who's there, haha had fun playing that. we saboh-ed lihong and sara by leaving the room while they were blindfolded. haha e rest of us were trying so hard to control our laughter man.
eugene ar, kept losing sia

their forfeit: dance tango, haha they were super pai seh la dont dare to look at it each other.

wrapped as mummy and made to sing
yewchun's forfeit was to sing kiss goodbye and he made it his own, with like hmm and yeah ahahaa and guoliang's was to ask yensiang to be his gf haha. yensiang ar, scandal. use gl as bait only, tsk tsk. scandal scandal scandal *faster and faster

played a bit of pit, it was abt 5 6 smth in e morning already. haha lh ys and sy were singing christmas, newyear, muneru valiba muneru indrum songs to keep e guys awake, i think. then some indian guy came over and said, 'please lower down your NOISY!' AHAHA
tuesday 19th
woke up pretty early, 8 plus. yewchun was in e kitchen washing up and his latop music was on, then i called his name and he screamed/shouted. as in e look on his face, oh my haha he really kana shocked sia.
meanwhile (i like these photos)

see wad one blanket could do

registered for gems, got into etiquette yay. jed and zhijia went hme. we headed to downtown for lunch then some went cycling and some rollerblading. oooh! e last time i rollerbladed was like pri smth. so i totally forgot how to do so initially but after a while liangjue and i managed to get e momentum back, too bad it was a really short time of rollerblading. so silly lar, i almost fell down a couple of times, but nv actually fell. one of it was really silly la, i was holding a bottle in each hand and i was going to fall so i bent forward and jus threw e bottles into e air ahaha i must have looked really dumb doing so. i want to go bladding again!

then at night had bbq again. sara eugene and gl left after that. when they were about to leave, i was like " aei, group hug" and we had a group hug! that was really priceless to me la, they left then they came back again to wish me happy birthday. good friends, i'm thanful for em.
after that, e rest of us went to e pool again played knock knock who's there in e water. not long till e guard chased us out. watched a bit of tv and i went to slp at like 12 smtg. didnt want to slp that early but i was really tired la, kept waking up e night b4.

nissin rocks and haha
look at the difference in expressions
wednesday 20th
checked out, headed to white sands mac for b/f, a really long train ride home didnt seem that long cos we crapped and joked a lot.
tho e chalet wasnt SUPER fun, it had its moments too la, and i'm gonna remember it for a while
3 quotes from chalet
"wanna?" - sooyin
"i say yensiang you say..." ok i shant complete it after yensiang come chopping me uppy.
"please lower down your NOISY!" - the ultimate classic
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Sunday, September 17, 2006 @12:41 AM
oh my, what hpd to cbox?
pls recover soon!
tonight was great :)
went to bro allan's house for cantata gathering
sat ard a while, then beck and i went to andrew's room and realised all e kids were in e room listening to high sch musical songs haha. gavin is so adorable lar, singing and dancing to e songs. beck took a video of em singing e song, nice.
after that watched cantata video with e others, it was pretty cool la, was sitting ard ladies twice my age yet joking abt the silliest things. and everyone cheering and woo-ing when it came to papa and friedemann's solo parts.
then celebrated sept birthdays with aunt cris's homemade cheesecake yum!
bro allan showed us his bandah aceh video, where he went as a medic to assist during tsunami.
good lesson for us to learn abt being grateful but at the same time i was very terrified by e wounds and all that,there was one pic of a person without his/her head, wa seriously it was super ugh.
gems registration is on tues and i havent confirmed my choices yet, argh. i dont have interest in business leh.
18-20th. 04 chalet
destination: aloha loyang
till then,
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, September 15, 2006 @11:58 AM
yesterday's badminton was fun! not bad ar, 11 out of 18 ppl present
and e discussion for chalet was like...haha
guoliang ar, kept trying to think of another event to plan for,
like christmas, cny all that when chalet havent even plan haha he was high la
again, i stupidly played barefooted and i have nice blisters on my soles :/
after that, yewchun kenny and i went to holland for katong laksa
oh my, the gravy is so good man
bumped into huihua
and guess who we saw...DENISE KELLER! she really does turn heads.
holland is changing/has changed so much
yesterday night i felt totally weird
it wasnt very distinctive, as in what was troubling me
but i knew some part of me
felt sad that i've changed so much
sometimes to the point that i dont know myself
and i think its pretty unfortunate that at times, we learn lessons at someone else's expense,
like e opposite of a blessing in disguise
ok enough emo stuff for now
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, September 14, 2006 @9:46 AM

the phone i'm currently eyeing on
too bad i can only get a new phone in mid oct
results turned out alright, thank You
nex sem's time table seems pretty ugh
fri, there's like...3 hr break in between
and ends at 6pm
praying for beck and mom.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 @12:35 PM
if i am lost for a day, try to find meyesterday went mindcafe with 24 ppl. liangjue huibing xinyu shawn zo kenny jed.
had quite a lot of fun
played snorta, taboo, pit
the highlight was playing pit haha, we made so much noise lar

k they're probably gonna kill me for putting
this up but..they look funny!

zo's suspicious eyes

snorta and brownies (their brownies rock btw)

half time

apple came and after everything, she huibing kenny shawn and i went k. it was one of the RARE occasions where shawn wanted to k, so we went. ah super ex man at night, i had no idea until i went there. but well it was a fun time too. haha apple kept trying to sing with alot of meaning and feelings to shawn while they were duet-ing and he kept trying to avoid her by facing the wall. too bad didnt manage to capture it well with the camera.

apple's favourite pose =x

oh yeah. bumped into andrew yday. it was so funny cos i was walking beside him all e while but i only noticed that it was him when he walked ahead of me. ahaha
one more day, argh
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Sunday, September 10, 2006 @11:06 PM
believe it or not, i actually went to watch movie with my dad haha. caught devil wears prada which to me was great. argh, was so pissed off with the guy sitting behind me, kept kicking my seat lar! zzz didnt get my hint even when i turned ard. anyway, elena and dewi were in e same hall/cinema as me, what a coincidence. nice to see em again.
yday after choir, went out with jamie. good time too. shopped a bit, and she brought me to this place called miss clarity cafe at bugis for dinner. the place is nice, the staff wear home clothes, and the food is very reasonably priced.
so sad lor, have been trying to find e best deal for the phone (nokia7370) i want, and today finally heard the worse piece of news from some starhub guy, "oh, that model ar, obsolete le" OBSOLETE leh. ah well.
two weeks of hol, just gone by like that boooo
i'll be lying if i said its been fruitful
tho its been great meeting up with friends
3 days to results
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, September 08, 2006 @11:03 AM
dashboard confessional > as lovers goyesterday, caught little man with sara and eugene. was supposed to catch devil wears prada but couldnt catch it in time. little man was funny la, but quite sick too! haha after that eugene went off, sara and i went to coffee bean, nice to catch up like that again :)
then went off to meet yap, chan and weixin. had cheese prata at pasir panjang, and its still as yummy as ever! then went over to wcp, finally came to our 'realisation' that there's nothing for us to do there ha. but well, i had lotsa fun. doing silly things, like running away from weixin when he went to play with dogs(AHAHA), and pretending that we lost our brother jeremy to disturb some ppl haha, chan and his brilliant ideas. nice to be able to talk serious stuff too. while in the cab with e rest, chan and i sang the 'i'm rolling, they hate it. patrolling, they try to catch me ___ and dirty..' i also dont knw what's e ____. lucky e cab driver nv scold, but then again he's some arrogant person who insulted us for not knowing how to speak proper chinese lor..
dad has 2 free movie tickets! still want to watch devil but singapore dreaming looks interesting too leh. hmm
have been having so many thoughts just running in and out of my head, some things just not necessary to think about anymore.
oh my, results in 5 days.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, September 06, 2006 @12:16 PM
Rest In Peace, Steve Irwin
(1962 - 2006)

♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, September 04, 2006 @11:51 AM
the cranberries - lingeryesterday was a pretty alright day.
church - choir sang, haha some of the choir ppl that sang said they felt it sounded weird. didnt notice it leh
the other ruth and i were joking about the 'yea yea and nay nay' part of the verse. i know its wrong lar, but it jus cracked me up quite a bit.
after church we went to harbour front for lunch with pastor davy and bro joe's family. that was pretty nice too. after that, ah! saw the phone i want to buy.
went hme slept and slept and slept
then went causeway pt for dad's so called dinner celebration. crystal jade's food is just yummylicious! how rare la, for my family to go to cj, hah
saw the phone again at the nokia shop! oh my, i really hope my dad allows la.
i want it so badlyheadache again, sleeping too much i guess.
i hope i get to watch devil wears prada!
haha i found this in my mail, think yensiang sent this to me a long time ago.
it's quite amusing la,
fairytale humour
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, September 02, 2006 @12:51 AM
i've been taken as the fool for too long
always making an effort to plan things
make sure it turns out well
hoping to see ppl happy
but ppl jus choose to back out at the very last min
or do things the way they want
i should REALLY learn to stop planning cos i dont get anything out of it, just plain disappointment, every single time
ppl ARE taking me for granted
why do i even bother? i don't even understand myself
what fun is it to go through this over and over again
waste so much $ on sms to inform ppl about this and that, and in the end? never go
i feel like shit now
i feel sorry for myself
i need to learn to be smart, for once.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;