Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @12:30 AM
ah, i dread colds
my nose and throat are like cursing at me
cos i'm not really doing them a favour. haha
still drinking cold drinks, still eating junk food :/
well today was alright
went to causeway's pizza hut with shawn kenny jed zo zhijia and sooyin
pretty good time, minus e fact that zo lost his hp
bought corrinne may's christmas cd, 'the gift'. YAY!
got hold of friday's 04 girls outing photos
but ah there's so many of them, dont really feel like posting all of them now
ok, just one :D

this week's junior's camp
can't believe i'll be missing another one for a 2nd yr in a row,
esp at st. john's island
i miss being worker
naggy post
not myself these days,
can't figure out what's wrong
will be back with a happier nose and photos!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, November 25, 2006 @3:48 PM
will blog later or smth.
let the photos do the talking for now.
taking photos in panorama shoot mode

sooyin the monster, kenny the prey

beck with aaron and andre

christmas deco at wheelock place
attempting to take cool shots again :/
cool to me la

mirror image of door

laptop desktop
made my friends look freaky with me! heheeee

shadow shot
i like this one quite a bit
[edit at 3.30am]
ah sore throat and running nose the whole day
my throat's killing me
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, November 20, 2006 @2:36 AM
YENSIANG! see lar, got me excited about christmas!
last yr with 04

what would it be like this year?
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, November 18, 2006 @3:34 AM
THE BIGGEST SIGH EVERi typed a really long post with photos and everything
and it all went poooofffff!
so i have to like start all over again, minus all the details
finally, a breather.
this week has been
crazy crazy crazyand i'm not proud of myself for ponning lessons
3 tests this week, more to come nex week.
mentally drained, and i believe everyone feels so.
God has been good, tho,
sustaining me throughout this rough week
24 chalet
got to cycle quite a bit on the first day, before it rained. had bbq, lotsa food! yum! lecturers came and stuff. aftr bbq a few of us walked around downtown east in search of things to do, haha that was quite fun, took photos with the 'cow' outside ben and jerry's. didnt sleep that night, stayed up to talk. generally the chalet was pretty alright

other photos on apple's blog
sun, took some photos at church
filipino anniversary was quite a blessing actually
domestic helpers going up on stage and talking abt their trials as a christian
but yet loving and fearing God
it really makes me feel ashamed

dear friends
and the cutest kids ever

realised that my phone has really cool effects for taking photos
like taking sequence shots and stuff
with frames too! ( thanks to apple and kenny that enlightened me)

me playing piano at com lab!?!
and i'm bigger than the piano!

let me out lehh

i think kenny will scold me for putting this up
but nvm la
nex fri!
dinner with 04! looking forward to that!
beck intro-ed this to me
hossan leong - i live in singapura (talking cock in parliament)
do watch it!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, November 09, 2006 @10:34 AM
back to blog
tomorrow's chalet, but it sure doesnt feel like it. dont know why leh, its not that i'm nt excited abt it or wad, jus doesnt feel like it.
elearning has been alright, tho i must admit that i'm still rather slack
took these photos after choir

with dearest aaron

was asking him to smile
and he was like
i dont know how to smile haha
he is so cute!

his brother on the other hand
is super cheeky
giving cheeky faces b4 i took this photo
beck with andre
first time i song led in the newly combined junior class
kids aged from pri 1 to sec 2
anyone can song lead la
but its sure scary to be standing in front of 40 over kids
thankfully it was alright
in fact, it was pretty fun
went for dinner with my relatives frm my father's side
his cousin and wife frm china were in town for a few days
tho half the time rachel and i were in our own universe
since we dont understand hokkien
it was a good time i guess
esp since i usually only see my relatives once a yr during cny
and learning more abt the yap family tree haha
and uncle terrence is such a joker la

with rach

the yap family!
after mr lim's class
liangjue kenny shawn and i went to wm for prestige
the movie is so brilliantly made!
i encourage everyone to watch it
even when i reach hme i was still thinking abt it

rest of the days have been spent
doing elearning
hope chalet goes well
hope i get to rollerblade haah
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, November 04, 2006 @2:35 AM
life in school
(my first hp pics! )
tues - fdchem

e only grp photo i'm in and they say i'm smelly
i'm not smelly whatttt. *sniffs armpits >.<
haha zo was trying to run in front to spoil e pic

today! so called last day (to me, cos elearning nex week)
after gems

me, an adidas shoe and eugene

guoliang dont want to do NNPP bleahz :p with me
he only wants to with..............ahem

liangjue pls be careful of adidas guys...

chicken little and mr potato oops
today was a pretty good day, i guess
etiquette was fun! alot of clapping to encourage each other, and laughter
if only more classes could be like this
cos had to demonstrations today
like how males and females should walk, sit, stand, pick up smtg frm e grd, enter and leave e room etc etc
pretty interesting
and proins lesson
sooyin and i listened attentively for e first time!
sooyin even answered qns haha
we were trying to give mr lee encouragement
but well we benefitted frm doing so too la
its good to sit in front
after sch, i was like so psyched la
while everyone else was like listing the reports we have to hand in after e-learning
well there's a lot of work to do
and i really, and i mean REALLY need to get the right mindset fixed into my brain
if i want to finish my work in time
i'm too slack ba

sorted out all my notes and stuff just now
e-learning next week
fri-sat! 24 chalet!
4 reports weeee!
3 tests next next week! weeeeeeeeee!
ok i'm too high, and i'm talking nonsense!
oh no
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, November 02, 2006 @7:54 AM
if only wishes do come true, i'll wish
- that
not everything i touch or am involved in, will go down in smokes
- that i wouldnt say the wrong things at the wrong time
- that my parents wouldnt clash with each other so often
- that people wouldnt say nasty things and affect others w/o feeling it
- that i wouldnt have to feel lonely in a crowded room
- to understand that effort is not always equal to good results
- that i was smarter than this
- that i was sensible and appreciative
- that you wouldnt enter my mind, no not once. things that ive bottled up for some time now
jus needed to let it out
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;