Saturday, December 30, 2006 @9:27 PM
sunday! christmas eve
morning service was as usual
then the unexpected happened
beck fell sick, stomach flu
vomitted and had diarrhoea
it was a sucky time for smth like this to hpd cos
we had choir and girl's special for christmas service at night
but well, God's a great God
she made it through both performances
well, i dont know what hpd to me
my nerves got to me
and when we went up to stage for the girl's special
my hands got really sweaty
and i broke out in cold sweat
i was so afraid that i would faint, esp when i was standing in the middle
thankfully, it was alright
photos courtesy of xinyi

straight after the girl's special, we sang for choir
haha the songs are still ringing in my head
after service, had reception

haha i asked them to do the twist sign
and tim was the only guy up for it
then we headed off for carolling
it was fun!

the bus rides were, haha! i remember when we were on our way back to church
uncle joe played the guitar
while we sang to oldies
after that we went back to church for stayover
while the rest were having juniors camp sharing
tim, lawrence and i planned games
first time i actually did games for church stuff!
we set up the place for candle fight
and played a few rounds of it
and it looked like they had fun!
saliva splatting here and there haha
after that played hide and seek without the lights
it was abt 4am
the whole church was pitch dark man
on the whole, i guess everyone enjoyed themselves
my, how time flew as we played
by the time we were done, it was 6 plus
so we didnt sleep
packed up and headed to wcp's macs
headed home and slept for a really long time
oh yeah, watched night at the museum on wed
haha i rushed like mad to reach cineplex
cos i woke up at 12.40, only saw kq's msg at that time
the movie was at 2.20 and i was late
heng nv miss anything
it's super funny!
cant remember the last time i laughed so hard at e cinema
after that shaun, weihua, jaron and i walked ard town a bit
bleh we got caught in the rain
its funny cos i seldom hang out with them
so i guess, it was a good thing that i went

christmas is over but we still love it!
i'm worried
cos its feel as though i ate some wrong medicine
or got hit by a "ruth,-don't-do-your-homework" spell.
cos crap, i've never felt more reluctant to do my work.
i'm so dead man,
cant believe 2 weeks of hols has already gone by
tomorrow is the last day of 2006!
so fast!
leave you with caleb's 'try-to- act-shock' face :/

Labels: christmas service, night at the museum
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, December 27, 2006 @2:50 AM
thurs: dinner with 24 at vivo
took a while to decide where to eat, finally decided on sushi teh.
though it was just 8 of us, i had a great time

haha this pic is super funny,
i was the only one that was doing wad we were supposed to do
which made me look dumb haha
cos zo went to pull the curly wurly thing
and there was this piak sound
that explains both their expressions


haiz we lost sooyin and apple to hello kitty that day

zo: 'barney my son, i have to leave now. i'll see you again alright?...'*sobs

we need THE LIGHT


my its huge!

can u see who's in the reflection?
we love jump shots! haha the 3 of us were the only ones that were so high at tht time
taken with kenny's phone
kenny and sooyin

sooyin and i

♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, December 26, 2006 @2:16 AM

christmas came and went by jus like that
i dont even know if it allows my brain to generate memories
it was a good christmas, no doubt
celebrating with sec 5s, 24, 04, church ppl
but sadly, not so good things had to hpd too
christmas had to end with me crying in the shower
i wonder if the things that've affected me are true
or was i seeing or hearing things? (if only)
to hear an adult that i've not met in a long time say "dont forget ruth.." b4 shaking my hand,
and then saying "everybody forgets ruth"
what did that mean anyway?
i really wish i heard this wrongly
its jus 3 words but it was enough to upset me
or coming across a msg from a church member in my mom's hp
comparing me with beck
talking about some potential thing
hah, if i dont get enough of that
my parents knew i was affected. but they still continued to talk about other stuff
wow i'm that invincible eh?
or maybe because what was said in that msg was true
yes, ppl that read this may say? huh, like that only what? no big deal.
haha if only it was not a big deal
and all these jus made me wonder again
am i that useless?
do i have to change jus to prove to people? what's the point in that anyway
do i have to continue to live in someone else's shadow?
all the things that i've done and put effort in, that in my mind i thought was quite an achievement, were just little things that ppl wont remember
my family always dismisses these things,
and jus assume that i'm oversensitive or naive
tiring, real tiring.
forget it.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Thursday, December 21, 2006 @12:26 AM
i dont know why, but i've been really lazy to blog properly, properly these days.
and everytime i attempt to do this post, the blogger page hangs on me. zzz la
i've been slacking so much! terrible terrible
what's been up
friday magic of love at fcbc. incredible magic tricks aside, the sharing was good
thanks to yc for inviting us! good job, young man! no more fashion show!

haha took this w/o them knowing
i can be a spy!
anyway, jed and gl look like fireflies!

haha emo? nah.
suninteresting sunday school lesson about the last days.
its scary to realise that many of the prophecies
are already happening in current day
had church nomination, watched juniors camp video, choir prac
oh yeah, took pic with weihao
cos he's going to army real soon!

yeah, and i look like i have no hands :/
monmet up with jamie to do some christmas shopping
spent most of our time at marina square
good time spent

marina sq deco
got to eat fried mars
intro-ed to jamie
and she loved it!

craving for some now?
kenny dont cry ok?
i know you want to eat
today, wed
met up with some of the sec5s
to celebrate xianen and qihui's bdae
fun fun time!
laughing at, and doing the silliest things
taking funny expressions shots with xianen
getting high at kbox
singing pirated christmas songs that wouldnt end
till you press eject
dinner at crystal jade yum
and how can i forget, bumped into yensiang!
think she was holding my present,
she jus dont want to admit it, right?
and yeah! we both got scared by the same stupid person
stupid purple guy on stilts at town
seriously, if i had more guts, i would have kicked your stilts and make you fall on your face
dont think you wear mask can hide hor
i was as good as harrassed
ok loser dressed in some costume thing, on stilts
job is to give out brochures
hands out brochure to my friend
friend reaches out for it
he takes it back
this repeats for a while
and i said aiyah, dont take lar
and that stupid purple thing chased me cos i said that
and i really ran
at first i thot he was jus kidding ard
and how fast can he run, he's on stilts
but no, he really chased me all ard
and my heart seriously, was beating so damn fast
and when he finally stopped chasing me ard
i walked away
and he pulled! repeat, PULLED my bag handle really hard
and said, AEI! take photo with me leh!
wah, most irritating person i've ever met
i was so freaked out la
sheesh, think i'm gonna have nightmare of all of them chasing me
maybe some of u will think i'm overreacting but...
try being chased by a clown looking thing on stilts
photos soon
looking forward to fri's dinner with 04!
and sun night! christmas service -- church choir, and our girls special
carolling! and the stayover!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 @5:18 PM
oh my
i can't believe it has been raining non-stop, overnight
this is probably the first time in a long while
and i just heard from the news
that there's a flood at mandai area
my, that's serious
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Monday, December 18, 2006 @1:33 AM

self explanatory.
not being emo or anything, jus miss these ppl
cos i'm currently not in close contact with anyone (that's really sad)
glad some of us are meeting up this week
looking forward to that :)
hope to see everyone soon!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, December 16, 2006 @2:02 PM
overdued photos
towndinner at ding tai fung, taking photos with christmas deco,
chilling out outside borders, having a great time

vivo 1st Dec
walking around for a really long time in search of a place for dinner, settled on asian kitchen, doing silly things at toy's'rus, missed the fireworks, compensated by watching stefanie sun live from the big screen, chilling and chatting with liangjue eugene and jed

time with family
we both like this photo :)
dinner at dragon city

mommy's bdae celebration a few days ago, at ivin's
their food is yummy yet suprisingly cheap!
wed: 24 at ikeawe ended at 9, 10 plus
and didnt really have anything to do
went to ikea, haha had fun

zo attacked by snakes!

he actually likes them!

i jus asked them to hold the pillows
but apple (or cherry?) made them look at each other

kek sai ah shawn

this is the life

wa lao shawn tried to touch zo's hand
while he was sleeping........eeeeeeeeeeee

we look like we're in some fairytale place

awww the animals love him

haha what hpd to apple
tilt your heads a little
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;