Monday, January 22, 2007 @11:50 PM
little india + the coolest coolest house ever, 6th Jan
shopping at mustafa centre
crossing those crazy busy roads
pushing through hundreds of ppl

still think rach looks damn funny in this pic haha

then heading on to my parents' newly acquainted friends' place at racecourseroad
i didnt think much abt it, jus thot it was jus any ordinary house
until i stepped in, and my jaw dropped, LITERALLY. (get it, zo?)
words cannot describe how cool their place is
then again, colin's an architect.
colin and joy are super nice and hospitable ppl
it was our (my sisters and i) first time meeting them yet it seemed as though
we could all talk about anything and everything
colin's also super humourous, rach beck and i laughed so hard that our stomachs hurt
found it hard to leave
with such great company and having soaked in such lovely ambience

dining area

living room

tree branches in the living room


our lovely hosts, colin and joy :)
this was some random day
brought props for gems prac and got ys and gl to take photos with em

dont mess with her :s

directors in the making
gems presentation last fri went pretty well
was blessed with a good team

ahaha think this pic is pretty funny, ivan was helping alan put on his bow
well yesterday (sunday),
left church early to come home and study for today's exam
and well, i missed out on weihao's farewell! bleah
and vinodh was back from auzzie land
sigh was looking forward to hanging out with em
and today! ah the paper was not-so-good
tell me how not to feel jaded, really.
its not like i dont study
this feeling is all too familiar that i've become so numbed to it
i was in an awful mood after that
then again, i wonder do i have too high expectations on myself.
dang, the stupid headache is still here! argh
nex paper's monday, study hard ruth!
goodnight world.

♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, January 19, 2007 @2:08 AM
sometimes i really wish i knew myself better
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 @5:53 PM
ah bia test was not so good
studied quite a bit for it
at some point, i actually felt like my brain was throwing a tantrum
and it didnt allow me to think
but well, liangjue and i managed to get the distinction qn correct!
weeee haha cheapthrill
anyway something really silly hpd jus now
was talking to hazel and sooyin
and i suddenly realised my ezlink card was missing
so i took out all the things from my bag (yes, at the bus stop)
i started panicking and thinking of how i'll have to get a new one
when i suddenly felt my pocket
alamak la, i placed my ezlink in my pocket!
sooyin and i were laughing at how stupid i was >.<
my gosh, one test down another to go
and some more next week zzzzzz
and my head's hurting quite a bit
it was good to see some 04 ppl today :)

christmas '06
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Wednesday, January 03, 2007 @2:01 PM
new year felt weird
didnt send out any happy new year msges like i planned
dont want to think of new year resolutions, neither do i want to reflect on 2006
its too much brain work for now (read: ruth is just plain lazyy)
31stin church


stayover at xinyi's
good good time
we whipped up our own meal
every one contributed in one way or another
chopping, grating, frying, flipping rostis
we were like busy bees working
credit goes to xinyi and friedemann

watched madagascar while we ate
then they played i'm the boss while i flipped channels
after that we played pit
oh my we made so much noise
screaming and shouting
too bad jamie and amanda had to leave early
the countdown on tv was such a letdown!
we shouted happy new year at the balcony
it was really silly cos at the window that we were shouting at
there were no fireworks
but we pretended as though there were
and we were like shouting, there! over there!
and then bursting out in laughter
eventually we did see fireworks
after that we watched step up
and pam left
then played more card games
and slept at ard 5
i was sleeping in a really akward position
tim just didnt want to wake up
came home slept
then headed to auntie janet's place for dinner
i like the condo
there's even like 2 levels of swimming pools
one for kids, one for actual swimming
and their apartment is so cool man
the design, and the concept, sweet!
i love the wallpaper!
i attempted to take cool shots

bonding :D
auntie janet and ben
dinner was yum
and its cool hanging out with them
because it feels as though we''ve known each other for such a long time
so nothing much has been going on
jus doing fd pres report
and i must say, i dont like the new blogger!
so many problems!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;