Wednesday, February 28, 2007 @3:35 PM
what am i doing blogging at 3.35pm on a working day?
nah dont worry
i didnt pon work, we're not allowed to do that anyway
company's having a function today, so we students dont have to be at work today.
so the past two days have been pretty ok
i wont say what i'm doing is super interesting
but i think its good enough
the ppl there are pretty nice
i only get to work with my supervisor and another girl who is super helpful and friendly, which i thank God for. my supervisor? err i can't really read her. if 2 of my lecturers can say that she is strict, of which i have not seen, i suppose she's the subtle kind?
that wont show she's unhappy openly but smiles while putting an F grade that kind? uh oh. hopefully it wont be THAT bad.
well there's 7 of us students at this company.
me sooyin jiaxin xinyu, and 3 from our buddy class, quan han kenny and ting fang
i'm glad we made friends with the 23 ppl cos normally, we dont talk at all.
so i guess its a good thing. and quan han and kenny are very gentleman-ly, always opening the doors for us. why i mention this is because i find it pretty uncommon among my guy friends leh. oops oh maybe i nv notice la
oh yeah, sooyin and i realised 2 pretty funny things yday.
firstly, after lunch, quite a handful of female staff brush their teeth.
i came out of the cubicle only to see them brushing away.......
we were like thinking, er is it rule? i wonder if it is.
even my supervisor does that.
and its not like they were meeting clients.
i know its a good habit but jus didnt expect it.
secondly, after work 4.40-ish
everybody starts running
sooyin and i just stand there and go huhhhh
i guess this one is bcos no one wants to miss the company bus
but its jus weird to see everyone running
my sis says its probably cos new staff come then they see ppl brushing and running and they thought its a rule so they also do it, so kinda like a cycle. HAHA maybe leh
xinyu and kenny like under some stress
although yday was just the 2nd day
i think i just have to expect the worse and hope for the best.
results next week, NEXT WEEK! eeeeek
oh yeah, met up with sara ys lh along with sooyin on mon
at lot 1
for hk cafe
i guess it was good for us to meet up
to talk about our first day
good to let it out
and lihong's one haha funny sia
must runaway from the falling pail of water
exercise man
taken from her blog

some random photos
yinc last fri
only 6 of us, and no teachers were free
so we sang songs and jus talked about our christian life
and how can i forget, darren chia and his lamest set of pickup lines
like, dont pick your nose, PICK ME.
we laughed damn hard when we heard it
and, are you tired? cos you've been running in my mind
sigh haha

after church, headed to kia showroom
weeee! dad's getting a new car!

ours soon!

anyway, we got to test drive the car
papa drove first, then beck
i like the car!
oh yeah, saw chew chor meng there
i still think that he and nor alam shah look alike man

i like this photo
its not uber artistic or wad, but i like it
haha its like, yo
so, all the best for work guys!
blog abt sentosa soon
take care booboo!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Saturday, February 24, 2007 @11:15 PM
the sore throat got worse today
then came along slight dizzy spells
why now? 2 days b4 my attachment
oh well
i'll just have to continue to drink lots of water
and run to the toilet every now and then
wanted to blog abt both La Voz and sentosa
but think i shld try to get more sleep
so, La Voz it is
met up with sooyin liangjue huibing jed and kenny
caught just follow law, not bad.
i loved the part where the 4 of em
did the whacky dance with their facial expressions
it was good to see fann wong in another light too
cos to me, she tends to get nice roles
then after that
headed to La Voz with ys lh and eugene
nice cosy place, i must say
and i did have fun!
yay our faces are going to be up on the hall of fame(?) haha
my, i'm having trouble deciding wad photos to post cos there are so many!

walking in

yensiang getting cosy
eugene got the lau pok crackers

oops lihong
haha i think this is funny

trying to act like models haha

was trying so hard not to laugh cos lihong's armpit was at my face!

we bishi him

he bishi us back

he finally wore the shirt i got him
trying to act man

i like this photo :)
er lihong you're in the pic also la

trying to make us shorter than normal
2 more days to attachment
i wonder if anyone's actually ready
hopefully things will be ok

to my 2 friends that are overseas now for attachment
take good care, and you are missed!
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;
Friday, February 23, 2007 @3:51 PM
happy new year, pull your ear
haha i cant believe i still say that haha
anyway this year's celebrations were pretty good
not just for the ang baos ha,
but also the places we went
and the ppl we got to know better
reunion dinner
grandparents came over

check out our very bare steamboat table
nah, this was close to finishing

the jades my grandma gave us

papa teaching beck how to peel prawn
dont laugh at us
we're not very chinese

my ah ma who makes the best ngoh hiangs!
rushed to church for service
ah, the dress.
although i wore a spag inside, it was still super low
felt so uncomfortable la haha


the guy who's in army and the guy going in

us and aunt sally

headed to ah ma's place for lunch
which we do so every year

ah ma's yummy cooking

parents and ah ma

my pretty sisters

beck trying to act mysterious

my ever smiling ah gong and rach
left for home, lied on my parents bed
and before i could catch a wink, my maternal relatives came
and it was round 2 of steamboat
oh yeah, watched kung fu hustle on scv
super funny man
first stop - aunt mary's house
she made her yummy pumpkin soup
and uncle tan made his specialty wrapped chicken
good conversation we all had
oh yeah, i walked into her kitchen
and almost screamed when i saw this...

haha, duck!
next stop - aunty kim's place


isnt raphael the cutest?

haha i think this pic is cute
they're like looking directly at each other
fyi, the baby's a girl

sat ard a while
then headed to changi to aunt janet's place
haha all her relatives were there
and we were pretty much outsiders haha
but they're very nice ppl
who dont make us feel like outsiders
oh yeah, aaron eio was there too.
yummy dinner aunt janet prepared
didnt take any pics there
tues - reach grp gathering at bro daniel's condo
nice, luxurious condo
my my his apartment was packed like sardine with church members, that is.
anyway i spotted his sudoku book
and i was interested to learn how to play it
there and then, i got addicted to playing it!
its super fun man!
came home, had to prepare for my paternal relatives coming over
soon, auntie ah tin came with her husband and my nephew,
which i had nv seen b4
i have a nephew.
that makes me an auntie right?
then aunt lynn and family came too.
caught up with my 2 cousins, debbie and danielle
which is probably a first in my 19 years
they're pretty crazy ppl too la
after dinner, we walked to imm
shopped ard a bit
managed to take pics of my nephew

he probably looks like every chinese kid you see on the streets
but he has a very interesting character
and he is very responsive, which is smtg i dont really see in a lot of kids
like when you say, edison must be a good boy, ok?
he'll look at you and say, okay.
or when you say bye, he looks at you and say, bye.
that was my composition (haha) on my cny.
will update abt wed and thurs soon, when i get the pics!
argh, sore throat.
♥ we have changed but we're still the same ;